Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Picovoli, I Hath Defeated Thee

As some long-time readers may remember, I attempted to knit Picovoli a while back - I think two years ago. At the time, it was sort of a challenging pattern because I'd never done a hem, a provisional cast-on or a knitted cast-on, techniques called for in this pattern. Since then, I've done these things many times and improved my overall knitting skills quite a bit, so now this pattern is well within my abilities. It is finally done and wearable!

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Pattern: Picovoli, designed by Grumperina and available for free from Magknits
Size: 38" (as usual, I had to create a size between a 36" and a 40"). Don't designers know that the majority of women fall between a 36" and a 40"? Apparently not.
Yarn: Debbie Bliss Cathay, purchased from, 5.5 balls
Needles: Size 4 Knitpicks options for the hem and Size 6 Inox Express needles for the body
Modifications: Besides creating the in between size, I also used smaller needles for the hem than I did for the body which wasn't called for in the pattern, and I eliminated two of the decreases and two of the increases because it was coming out too long, due to my gauge being different than what was called for in the pattern. I also didn't use a provisional cast on for the hem but instead did a long-tail cast on. I did an e-loop cast-on for the armholes.

I really like this top. It did what silk tends to do (the yarn is a cotton/silk/viscose microfiber blend) which is to stretch. Just steaming it with an iron caused it to grow 2 inches. Hopefully, that's all the growing it will do, but experience tells me otherwise. At this point, it fits perfectly. However, I have to say that I absolutely adored this yarn. Luckily, I purchased enough for one more project from WEBS, but I think this yarn has been discontinued, which is a real shame. At full price, it was definitely too expensive, though, so maybe that's why.

I've cast on for Molly Ringwald using yarn rescued from this project that I decided needed to be frogged due to waning interest. I had planned on starting Fifi, but assumed there'd be a delay in getting the pattern since I had to email the French Girls to order the download. However, I got an immediate response from them, so I have to say I'm impressed with their service thus far.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

You are knitting and finishing all the summer knits that I've been meaning to do. Hurrah! Love the skirt too.

8:14 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It looks lovely, Kristin, both the garment and the color. I appreciate your revealing the modifications you made, and always learn from them.

2:28 PM  

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