Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Friday was freezing and I didn't have a matching pair of mittens or gloves anywhere (in my apartment). So I knit like a demon (for me anyway) and even lost sleep just so that I could have a pair of warm mittens to wear. I finished the second mitten at 11:30 p.m. On Sunday I pulled my new, warm mittens out, put them on my hands and proudly left my apartment. As soon as I stepped outside I realized that the weather was too warm to actually wear the newly created mittens. I had finished the pair just in time for the weather to go "warm" for a couple of day, just my luck. (BTW, this picture is a duplicate)

I did do some of the holiday knitting that I mentioned in my Saturday post. Before picking up my second mitten again I cast on and knit the second Cowgirl Sock (from the current IK. It was a very quick knit and I managed to finish the sock by about 3 or 4ish. You really have to love socks knit with ArtYarns Supermerino, they can be knit using size 5 needles, and this pair are only anklets, which makes them zoom along that much quicker. For anyone interested in making the Cowgirl Sock, you should know that the heel is a bit odd. I did not follow the pattern at all when turning the heel. The instructions creates a very narrow heel in my opinion.

On Sunday I woke up exhausted from two nights of late night knitting (late for pathetic me anyway), shut off the kitty alarm (I fed her) and went back to sleep. I slept until 10 am, a rarity for me (mostly due to the kitty alarm). When I finally dragged my lazy self out of bed I cast on for the second of my mom's socks (which I shall refer to as my parrot socks). I happily knit along until it was time for me to go to an afternoon Christmas party, which basically meant that other than my T ride to the 'burbs I was done knitting for the day. I had only finished the ribbing on the sock before leaving to catch the T and I grabbed what I thought was my stitch chart from the first sock. It took about a half of a row for me to realize the the chart I had most definitely wouldn't form the same stitch pattern as the first sock. This meant that I had to pull out the first sock (fortunately I had it with me) and examine it closely to try to figure out what I had done. At first this was easy, but then I had to tink to get the pattern to be the same as the first. I also realized that I neither remember the type of heel I used, nor could I find my instructions for the different heels. I am not worried about this yet, because as you might be able to tell, I am not really near the heel yet. I am on a roll though, and the sock is traveling with me.

I did not knit a stitch on the baby sweater, but I have the back done, the left front done, and 2 sleeves done, so I still believe that I am in good shape with this. The only gift knitting not at least started is a hat, but that won't take long...(famous last words?)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow you're fast... the mittens look great!! And it was pretty chilly this morning, did you get to wear them? :)

11:19 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm sure it will be cold again soon so you can wear your mittens!

1:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I really think that for every project you finish, I knit maybe two rows. :)

9:11 PM  

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