Saturday, September 09, 2006

Procrastination & rambling

My middle name, Procrastination, warning this post rambles and might not make much sense. It is Saturday and I am still working on my brief, very little work got done on it on Thursday. I promised to get a draft of the brief to my partners before I go to bed tonight. I have dumped out my thoughts onto the computer, now I am going through the process of adding my citations and trying to make what I dumped sound legal, and understandable. Unfortunately, I am at the point that I am looking for distractions, any distraction. Also, it is a beautiful day outside, far too nice to be sitting in front of a computer terminal typing useless words. That reminds me, I have to go back onto Lexis to get a citation.

Oh, I tore out most of the ripple weave sock and am in the process of turning the heel again. Hopefully it will fit this time.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Man, that rock is gnarly! That would scare me just looking at it. Looks like it's about to fall down on someone's head. It also reminds me of a bad gag from a Roadrunner cartoon.

By the way, the pics are spectacular and I appreciate your scaring the piss out of yourself in the process of being able to take them!

10:49 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wonderful pics! I especially like the center one. Hope your sock fits! : )

12:00 AM  

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