Thursday, October 02, 2008

Gothic Spire

On Tuesday I mentioned that I finished my Gothic Spire Socks. Well, I am wearing them today and have photos to share.
I also mentioned frying up chili cornmeal encrusted tofu on Sunday, well, this is what I have done with my tofu:
It tastes really good :) There is chipotle mayo, pickles, and slaw in that sandwich. The bun is toasted and the tofu is reheated (in the toaster oven that sits around in my office). I put together the sandwich hear and it has been much better than my standard hummus on a pita.

A side note-the problem with baking an apple pie when you live alone is that you then have an entire apple pie with no one to share. Oh well.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

The socks and the eats both look swell!

3:13 PM  

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