Thursday, March 27, 2008

Traveling Project

Since my Icarus is now too big to carry with me on my daily commute I have started a sock. A year or so I received some Sockatta sock yarn as part of a the Knitter's Tea Swap. I brought this yarn with me backpacking last year, but the yarn and the pattern I chose didn't work together so the sock was frogged. Recently, I saw Cookie A's Mingus sock pattern and decided that was the pair of socks my Sockatta needed to become. Now, my yarn has started it's journey to becoming a sock.Obviously, I still have a long way to go before this tube is a sock.

I haven't felt like tearing out the zipper on Celtic Icon, so I have ignored my messy zipper for now. I decided that I would baste in the other side of the zipper and see if the zipper flops open. Wish me luck, I really don't feel like starting zipper installation from scratch.


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