Tuesday, May 12, 2009


Well, I don't really have much to say, but I thought I would post anyway to prove that we here at the Purly Gate are still kicking.

I haven't been doing much knitting lately. I had one secret knitting project in April, which is now off to it's recipient, but still not bloggable. I have another secret knitting project that is in the works, a photo unworthy shawl, and a pair of orchid lace mitts that are a graduation gift for a string musician I know. To be honest, I haven't felt moved by my knitting.

To distract you from this, let me share some photos from a recent trip:
And a recent photo from home:
This is my first time along the 3rd base line, usually I sit in the grandstands, along the first base line, just slightly off from home plate.

Oh, and I am very seriously thinking of going carless. I am not entirely sure that I am ready for this move. I don't drive often, but it has always been nice knowing that I had my car available. I don't drive enough to justify (to myself) the cost of a new car though, so we shall see how this works out for me.


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